Microsoft Edge Chrome Firefox

Microsoft Edge Chrome Firefox

Edge is Only at 4% Market Share Despite All Its Pestering. This isn’t the only message in Windows 10 that promotes Microsoft Edge. For example, even after you install Chrome or Firefox, the Settings dialog won’t let you make either your default browser without asking you to check out Edge first. Nov 02, 2020 Around February 2020, something odd happened. For years, Chrome and Firefox had been comfy as the top two browsers on the market. Then, Firefox was taken off its number two spot by Microsoft Edge after it adopted a Chromium base. At the time, it was hard to tell if Microsoft Edge would hold its position. Microsoft is heavily pushing their Windows 10-exclusive browser, Edge. Ads built into Windows 10 are now claiming that Edge is “safer” than Chrome and Firefox.


The user executes a Desktop flow containing a ‘Launch Edge’ or ‘Launch Chrome’ or ‘Launch Firefox’ action and the execution fails with error message ‘Failed to assume control of Microsoft Edge (Internal error or communication failure).’ or ‘Failed to assume control of Chrome (Internal error or communication failure).’ or ‘Failed to assume control of Firefox (Internal error or communication failure).’ respectively. driver download.



Microsoft Edge Chrome Firefox Browser

This error can be generated at least for one of the below cases:

  • Case 1: Edge/Chrome/Firefox web extension is not installed properly or enabled.

  • Case 2: Launch of the Browser is taking longer than the default timeout of the action – 30 seconds – the automation is trying to assume control of the browser before opening and as a result the Launch browser action is failing.

Verifying issue

Case 1

  • Execution of a Desktop flow with one of the respective actions fails with this error message.

  • Web Recorder initiation for the specific browser generates the below message

  • Please note that the Web extension might seem to be installed and enabled in the extension repository of the specific Browser but the execution to be unsuccessful.

Microsoft edge chrome firefox web

Case 2

  • Execution of a Desktop flow with one of the respective actions fails with this error message. This behavior might not be consistent (some executions could be successful).

Ms Edge Vs Chrome Security


Microsoft Edge Chrome Firefox Web

Case 1

  • Install the respective Web extension from the Power Automate Desktop designer.

  • Even if the extension seems installed and enabled, please remove it and reinstall it.

  • Restart the browser.

Case 2

  • Insert a new ‘Launch new browser’ action as

    • Launch new Edge

    • Launch new Chrome

    • Launch new Firefox

    • Launch new Internet Explorer

  • Parameters of the action:

    • Launch mode: Launch new Instance

    • Initial URL: A default URL

    • Rest parameters can be set as desired.

  • Insert an error handling policy by:

    • Click ‘On error’ option in the action window

    • Click on ‘Continue flow run’ and select ‘Go to next action’ in the dropdown list

    • Click on ‘Save’

  • Insert a new ‘Launch new browser’ action of the same browser as Step 1 Download ipses s.r.l usb devices driver.

    • Parameters of the action:

      • Launch mode: Attach to running instance

      • Attach to browser tab: By URL

      • Tab URL: The URL inserted in Step 1

      • Variables produced: Replace the new Browser to variable to the name of the variable produced by step 1

  • Click on ‘On error’ option

    • Enable option ‘Retry action if an error occurs’

    • Set the number of time to 20 by clicking on the number of times

    • Set the interval in seconds to 5 by clicking on the number of seconds

    • Click on ‘Save’

  • Insert a ‘Go to Web page’ action

    • Parameters of the action:

      • Web browser instance: The variable produced by ‘Launch new browser’ action

      • Navigate: To URL

      • URL: The URL you would like to navigate to

Finally, please find some general checks that you may apply in case the above actions do not fix the error:

  • Make sure that the environmental variable 'ComSpec' with value 'C:WINDOWSsystem32cmd.exe' exists on the machine.

  • Only for Chrome: Check and set the 'exit_type' parameter to 'normal' at %localappdata%GoogleChromeUser DataDefaultPreferences

  • Clear the cache and cookies from the browser manually and restart the browser.