
BuddyPress Codex


Welcome to the BuddyPress Codex, the online manual for BuddyPress and a living repository for BuddyPress information and documentation.

This codex is powered by the community of users and professionals that are passionate about BuddyPress. The information you’ll find here is only as up-to-date as the last person that revised it, so help us out if you find something that’s out of date or missing by posting at our support forums.

Getting Started

BuddyPress Deutschland Fun & flexible software for online communities, teams, and groups BuddyPress helps you build any kind of community website using WordPress, with member profiles, activity streams, user groups, messaging, and more. BuddyPress 6.0+ supports WordPress 4.8 or greater. BuddyPress 5.0+ supports WordPress 4.7 or greater. BuddyPress 4.0+ supports WordPress 4.6 or greater. BuddyPress 3.0+ supports WordPress 4.5 or greater. BuddyPress 2.9+ supports WordPress 4.4 or greater. BuddyPress 2.8+ requires at least PHP 5.3 and supports WordPress 4.3 or greater. BuddyBlog is a BuddyPress plugin that allows users to create/manage their blog/posts from their profile. BuddyBlog allows easy front-end blogging with BuddyPress. Basic Functionality:-Creating New Post; Editing existing Post; Deleting Posts; Publishing Post. BuddyPress Codex. Welcome to the BuddyPress Codex, the online manual for BuddyPress and a living repository for BuddyPress information and documentation. This codex is powered by the community of users and professionals that are passionate about BuddyPress. Grab Your Free 17-Point WordPress Pre-Launch PDF Checklist: https://wplearninglab.com/17-point-wp-pre-launch-checklist-optin-yt/?utmsource=YouTubeVideo&utm.

New to BuddyPress? Not sure where to begin? Getting Started is here to help! Everything you need to know about setting up your new BuddyPress powered site is here from installing and activating to setting up Extended Profile fields.

Buddypress Demo

BuddyPress Features

Need to understand what BuddyPress offers? Components and Features is here to provide a detailed breakdown and explanation of all the features you will find in Buddypress in as much detail as possible.

Administrator Guide

Administrator guides cover all aspects of managing your brand new BuddyPress installation and cover the various tools and functions you have available from the backend of your site.

Member Guide


Need to learn a little about using BuddyPress as a general site member, this section provides handy guides to understanding all the available BuddyPress functions for the user.

BP Theme Development

Want to customize your site? Thinking about building a new BP theme? The guides in Themeing will help you understand what’s possible and how to achieve it.

BP Plugin Development

Building BuddyPress plugins? You’ll find helpful guides and instructions on how to go about building BP plugins the right way.

Developer Resources

Developer resources provides detailed guides on BuddyPress classes, functions, actions and loops.

Participate & Contribute

BuddyPress is a community driven open source project, learn how you can get involved and contribute.

Version Releases & Changelogs

A central reference for BuddyPress version release details, listing changes, updates, new additions and their relevant trac tickets.


  • BP Codex Table of Contents – Updated regularly
  • BP Codex Standards and Guidelines – Basic and simple instructions for contributing to the Codex


The codex is also organized into various sections, which you can check out below:




Codex Home → Getting Started

Welcome to BuddyPress! This section will help you set up your new BuddyPress-powered site as Super/Site Administrator: installing and configuring your settings to managing users, groups, activity streams and other BuddyPress components. It will also provide a guide for your users if you enable specific components. To run BuddyPress, following are some guidelines.

To run BuddyPress, we recommend your host supports:

  • PHP version 7.0 or greater
  • MySQL version 5.6 or greater


  • BuddyPress 7.0+supports WordPress 4.9 or greater.
  • BuddyPress 6.0+supports WordPress 4.8 or greater.
  • BuddyPress 5.0+ supports WordPress 4.7 or greater.
  • BuddyPress 4.0+ supports WordPress 4.6 or greater.
  • BuddyPress 3.0+ supports WordPress 4.5 or greater.
  • BuddyPress 2.9+ supports WordPress 4.4 or greater.
  • BuddyPress 2.8+ requires at least PHP 5.3 and supports WordPress 4.3 or greater.

See https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/ for the list of BuddyPress release versions and WordPress version compatibility.

  • Apache Module mod_rewrite enabled for “pretty permalinks”
  • WordPress should be installed manually i.e. via FTP, cpanel, etc.
  • BuddyPress does not work on installations where you give WordPress its own directory.
  • Folder name for any subdirectory or subdomain WordPress/BuddyPress installation must be in lowercase.
  • PHP must have the GD or imagick modules installed (on the server) to allow re-sizing of images; BP avatar uploads will fail without one of these modules activated (WP will simply fail to create image sizes for posts but won’t show an error)
  • AllowOverride should be set to All in folder where .htaccess is, for example:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html
    <Directory '/var/www/html'>
    AllowOverride All


  • Back up your database.
  • VPS hosting or better.

Buddypress Themes

Next Step

Buddypress Wordpress

< Regular Installation
> Multisite Installation