Dragon Naturally Speaking Medical


Drivers jenoptik cameras. As noted by Dictionary.com.

Main Entry: voice recognition
Definition: a technology designed to recognize and respond to spoken commands through digitization and algorithm-based programming; also called speech recognition
Example: Voice recognition is in use on some telephone and computer systems.

Source: Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English, Preview Edition (v 0.9.5)
Copyright © 2003, 2004 Lexico Publishing Group, LLC

speech recognition / voice recognition

<application> (Or voice recognition) The identification ofspoken words by a machine. The spoken words are digitized (turned into sequence of numbers) and matched against coded dictionaries in order to identify the words.
Most voice recognition systems must be 'trained,' requiring samples of all the actual words that will be spoken by the user of the system. The sample words are digitized, stored in the computer and
used to match against future words. More sophisticated systems require voice samples, but not of every word. The system uses the voice samples in conjunction with dictionaries of larger vocabularies to match the incoming words. Yet other systems aim to be 'speaker-independent', i.e. they will
recognize words in their vocabulary from any speaker without training.

Voice Recognition - a definition

Another variation is the degree with which systems can cope with connected speech. People tend to run words together, e.g. 'next week' becomes 'neksweek' (the 't' is dropped). For
a voice recognition system to identify words in connected speech it must take into account the way words are modified by the preceding and following words. (As understood by voice recognition)
It has been said (in 1994) that computers will need to be something like 1000 times faster before large vocabulary (a few thousand words), speaker-independent, connected speech voice recognition will be feasible. With the advent of Intel Pentium and Core processors, computers are now fast enough to truly take advantage of voice recognition technology.

Source: The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing, © 1993-2004 Denis Howe

Dragon Naturally Speaking Medical

Dragon Naturally Speaking Medical Solutions

  1. Quality documentation for quality care. Designed for physician practices, Dragon Medical Practice Edition achieves 99% accuracy out‑of‑the-box without requiring any voice profile training by amplifying a next generation speech engine with 90 medical specialty vocabularies combined with acoustic models based on the unique way physicians speak.
  2. Nuance Dragon® Medical One can quickly and painlessly bring your practice into the present and allow you to convert to an EHR with ease. Dragon® Medical One can be installed on any Windows-based clinical workstation or laptop. Once installed, clinicians simply open the app from the Windows Start menu, place the cursor where they want speech.
  3. Dragon Home intelligently recognizes your words and transcribes them with exceptional precision. Just speak naturally and watch your words appear on your computer screen. Dragon is easy to install and use. With it, even the most daunting tasks on your PC become quick and enjoyable! In record time an.

Medical Examination Commands. Ready-Made Exam Commands for Downloading. This set of macros includes a variety of text commands for Dragon NaturallySpeaking which may be of use to physicians and other medical practitioners. It includes both full 'boilerplate' exams and a series of exam 'snippets' based on body area or organ system. “Dragon NaturallySpeaking is an extremely accurate and flexible speech recognition product that permits efficient documentation in the ambulatory medical setting and saves us money. In the next two months, we will expand the use of DNS to our new Epic Radiant RIS.

Nuance Dragon Medical

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