The multiplayer feature of OpenTTD enables you to play against other people from all around the world. In order to have a fun and fair game, there are some simple rules of thumb you can follow. The Centralised Authentication feature will allow people breaking any of the established rules to. An open source simulator based on the classic game Transport Tycoon Deluxe. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features. OpenTTD is a transport simulation game based upon the popular game Transport Tycoon Deluxe, written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features. OpenTTD is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0, but includes some 3rd party software under different licenses.
OpenTTD is a business simulation game in which players earn money by transporting passengers and cargo via road, rail, water, and air. It is an open-source remake and expansion of the 1995 Chris. OpenTTD is an open source transportation simulation game that is based up the classic Transport Tycoon released in 1994 by Microprose. The game comes as close to the original as possible while.
Tutorials and Instructions
Game interface ·
- Signals · Stations · Junctions · Carrying capacity · Rail Designs & Tips
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OpenTTD is an open source reimplementation of the Microprose game Transport Tycoon Deluxe (TTD). As president of a start-up transportation company in (typically) 1950, you have a choice of building rail, road, air and maritime transportation routes to build up your transportation empire. Outsmart your competition by beating them to attractive passenger and commodities routes to become the game's highest-ranking transport company by the year 2050.
OpenTTD is based on Chris Sawyer's Transport Tycoon Deluxe and introduces a whole set of new features, including multiplayer support, better stations and vehicles, larger maps and a host of other options. OpenTTD runs on Linux, Unix, OS/2, Windows and a few other platforms.
- Main Article: List of New Features
While the game is modelled after the original, OpenTTD has many additional features that enhance gameplay dramatically. OpenTTD has customizable game graphics, and work is underway to replace TTD's graphics completely. Many features were inspired by TTDPatch, a popular enhancement for TTD, while other features are original. OpenTTD is far more customisable than Transport Tycoon Deluxe through the use of Advanced Settings, NewGRFs and by outright editing the source code yourself.
Significant enhancements include the introduction of Multiplayer, railways tracks built with the Autorail tool and on slopes, Waypoints, trains that are longer with more engines and larger and more realistic maps. More advanced players can take advantage of Signals for more control over stations and junctions, an increase in the number of allowed vehicles, and more flexibility when it comes to stations.
To make the game more enjoyable, new train pathfinders have been added to let trains find their way better, a convert rail tool to make upgrading easier and a bigger dynamite tool to make blowing things up a lot faster.
There are many more features that are present in OpenTTD, and more are added all the time. For a complete list of new features, go to the List of New Features.
History of Transport Tycoon
The first Transport Tycoon (TT) game was released in 1994. It was developed by Chris Sawyer and released by MicroProse. It was very popular at the time. Compared to many other games of the time, it was spectacular. The intuitive gameplay and the colourful, crisp graphics, combined with endless opportunities to build and shape the transport network of your dreams made it a winner.With the release of Transport Tycoon Deluxe (TTD) in 1995, the game was greatly improved. Many new features, including 4 different environments, maglev trains, one-way signals, etc, were implemented.TTD continued to be played for many years after by a small, but fanatic bunch of gamers. Even though the game had been fairly successful, no direct sequel was announced. Chris Sawyer's Locomotion can be considered as successor, but could not connect to the previous success.
The rise of TTDPatch
Somewhere around 1996-1997, Josef Drexler started a project called TTDPatch, which was (as the name implies) a patch for TTD. Originally it only did small things, but later on it was able to support NewGRF files, two company colours, and even trams. It fixes some problems with the game and also adds a lot of new features to it. The TTDPatch project has endured for many years and has changed the game quite radically.
A Windows version
A great problem during 1996 was that TTD had been written in assembly language and was not especially portable. Nevertheless, a Windows 95 conversion was made by FISH Technology Group in 1996, but it was only released by Microprose (later Hasbro Interactive) in 1999, in a Tycoon compilation known as 'The Tycoon Collection', including Railroad Tycoon 2, Rollercoaster Tycoon, and Transport Tycoon Deluxe. This Windows version introduced a few bugs, including broken tutorials, and had a FISH UK logo added to the startup screens (removed from OpenTTD).
Enter OpenTTD

The Patch's method of modifying the game made a lot of potential features near-impossible. Ludde contacted Owen Rudge, owner of TT-Forums, in 2003, and explained he was going to reverse engineer the game and convert TTD to (programming language) C. A year later Ludde surprisingly presented Owen Rudge with the first release life cycle release. Forums were created where people discussed the new incarnation of the game. Response was positive, and other developers joined Ludde in the project. Work continues on OpenTTD to this day.
OpenTTD 1.0.0
At the end of 2009 an important milestone was reached. Up till this time graphics and sound files from Transport Tycoon Deluxe were required to play OpenTTD but now free and open alternatives, OpenGFX Readme, Sound Effects Replacement and OpenMSX, are also available and supported. These large community contributions made OpenTTD a fully stand-alone game for the first time and to mark this occasion this release was given the version number 1.0.0.
See also
OpenTTD сформирован по образу оригинальной игры, но, не смотря на номер текущей версии(0.6.3), является полностью доработанным приложением и несравненно увеличивает функциональность и играбельность оригинала. Более 40 новшеств, встроенный редактор сценариев, поддержка современных ОС, а так же множество on-line серверов, где можно померяться своей бизнес-стратегией с другими игроками по всему миру, подогревают интерес к игре уже больше 13 лет. Игра продолжает развиваться и дорабатываться с завидным постоянством.
Особенности игры:
Кто из старожилов в Сети помнит старую добрую TTD, здесь основные изменения, реализованные в OpenTTD (на языке оригинала):
Significant enhancements from the original game include for example:
- bigger maps (up to 64 times in size)
- stable multiplayer mode for up to 11 players in 8 companies or as spectators
- dedicated server mode and an in-game console for administration
- new pathfinding algorithms that makes vehicles go where you want them to
- autorail/-road build tool, improved terraforming
- canals, shiplifts, aqueduct
- larger, non-uniform stations and the ability to join them together
- mammoth and multi-headed trains
- clone, autoreplace and autoupdate vehicles
- possibility to build on slopes and coasts
- advanced/conditional orders, share and copy orders
- longer and higher bridges including new ones, full flexible tracks/roads under bridge
- reworked airport system with many more airports/heliports (i.e. international and metropolitan)
- presignals, semaphores, path based signalling
- support for TTDPatch newgrf features
- drive-through road stops for articulated road vehicles and trams
- multiple trees on one tile
- bribe the town authority
- many configuration settings to tune the game to your liking
- save games with zlib compression for smaller sizes which does not interrupt gameplay
- big support for internationalisation. OpenTTD is already translated into more than 40 languages
- dynamically created town-names in 18 languages and newgrf support
- convert rail tool (to e-rail, monorail, and maglev)
- drag&drop support for almost all tools (demolition, road/rail building/removing, stations, scenario editor...)
- sorting of most lists based on various criteria (vehicle, station, town, industries, etc.)
- mouse wheel support (scroll menus, zoom in/out)
- autoscroll when the mouse is near the edge of the screen/window
- sell whole train by dragging it to the dynamite trashcan
- cost estimation with the 'shift' key
- advanced options configuration window, change settings from within the game
Graphical/interface features:
- screenshots can be in BMP, PNG or PCX format (select in game options menu)
- more currencies (including Euro introduction in 2002)
- extra viewports to view more parts of the gamefield at the same time
- resolution and refresh rate selection for fullscreen mode
- colourful newspaper after a certain date
- colour coded vehicle profits
- game speed increase (through fast forward button or by pressing the TAB key)
- snappy and sticky windows that always stay on top and neatly align themselves to other windows
- more hotkeys for even less mouse-clicking
- support for 32 bit graphics
Лекарство: не нужно
Язык интерфейса: Английский, Русский, Украинский и еще около 15 языков
Жанры: Strategy
Openttd Gameplay Newgrf
ОС: WindowsОфициальный сайт:
Однако, OpenTTD для работы требует пакет файлов с оригинальной 'Transport Tycoon Deluxe', который отсутствует на официальном сайте разработчика.

Если есть в наличии оригинальная игра, OpenTTD достаточно скачать с сайта разработчика, установить в папку с 'Transport Tycoon Deluxe' и настроить.

Если оригинальной 'Transport Tycoon Deluxe' нету, тогда качаем полностью рабочую OpenTTD по одной из ссылок ниже.
Установка & Запуск:
Openttd Multiplayer
Openttd Multiplayer Server
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