Premiere Elements 13

Student & Teacher Edition for only A$175.99 incl. Upgrade for A$175.99 incl. Meet your creative sidekick. With Adobe Sensei AI technology. in your corner, you can easily edit, create, organise and share your videos to bring your imagination to life. Adobe Premiere Elements 13 guides you through an easy-to-follow sequence to create your video story with narration, captions, and so on. You can also choose a predefined mood (for example, Sentimental) and look (for example, Night) and add music to make the video come alive.

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  • You can use the installer files to install Premiere Elements on your computer and then use it as full or trial version.
    • You need your Adobe Premiere Elements serial number to complete the installation. Need help finding your serial number? Sign in to My Adobe to find serial numbers for registered products.
      Or, see Find the serial number of your Elements product.
    • If you don't have the serial number, you can install the product and try it for a limited trial duration.
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For WindowsFor macOS

Languages: Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish, and Swedish

Languages: English, French, German, and Japanese


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  • Right-click the Download button and open the link in a new tab to download the installer file.
For WindowsFor macOS

(3.5 GB)

Languages: Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish

(3.1 GB)

Languages: English, French, German, and Japanese Sophos enduser protection price.


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  • Right-click the Download button and open the link in a new tab to download the installer file.
Premiere Elements 13

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After you download the installer, you can follow the procedure in Installing Adobe Premiere Elements to install the application.

Premiere Elements 13

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Premiere Elements 13 Download

More like this

Hi Philip,
We need your help in recreating this issue so we can think of a fix. I see your comments in the user forum.
My test project comprises a still pic with pan/zoom and some effects, 6 video clips and a WMA lossless audio on the soundtrack line.
My base case is a movie rendered in PRE10 using MTS-H2641920x1080i 25 preset. The result is a smooth video and audio.
Test 1 - using the same settings in PRE13 with h/w acc'n on. Pan/zoom flickers and jerky. Video flickers, jerky. Audio stutters with some crackles.
Test 2 - as for Test 1 but with h/w acc'n off. Pan/zoom no flicker and smooth. Video no flicker fairly smooth. Audio stutter and crackle
But Test 11 - as for Test 1, with export video only. Pan/zoom and video both fine even though the h/w acc'n is on. So it is not the h/w acc'n on it's own causing the video problem.
I also separately removed the audio from the clips and the WMA file under Test 1. In both cases the video and remaining audio were distorted.
Test 8 - as for Test 1 but with VBR set at 15-18mbps. Video flickers and stutters but audio is fine similar to base case.
Test 9 as for Test 2 but with VBR set at 15-18mbps. Video and audio fine similar to base case.
Tests 3&4: using MP4 preset with adjusted audio as suggested with and w/o h/w acc'n. Both cases the same. Audio fine. Video does not flicker but not as good where the video camera pans as the MTS setting. ( I have noticed this with PE10 too which is why I tend not to use MP4).
1) There must be something in the way the audio interacts with the h/w acc'n to cause video distortion.
2) This audio problem is not specific to the type of audio input.
3) Lowering the video bit rate under h/w acc'n fixes the audio. Removing the h/w acc'n as well then fixes the video.
3) The effect is limited to the M2T settings.
4) The effect is caused by a change in the software program from PRE10 to PRE13'
Could you give details on the following:
1. The format of the video clips used
2. Could you share the prel file with me? This will be the project file that you have used for your tests, and should be located in the DocumentsAdobeAdobe Premiere Elements13.0 folder (Default location)
3. Are you able to reproduce with a more minimal set of clips, say just images or a single video with its audio etc.?
4. What is the graphics card on the machine?
Premiere Elements team